The below videos address your organisation’s financial management, introducing processes and systems you should have in place and looking at cash reserves, metrics, and improving your billing, among other useful topics.

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How to effectively manage your cashflow profile

To keep your organisation running, you need some degree of cashflow to sustain your expenditure and support the delivery of your objectives.

In this video, Andrew Ellis provides some strategies and processes that will improve your knowledge and control of your cashflow.

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Cash reserves

Why are cash reserves so important?

Jane Arnott shares why – now more than ever – not for profits need to be aware of and focused on their cash reserves. After all, they may mean the difference between your organisation outlasting or succumbing to a crisis.

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Revenue diversification: six things to consider

Is your organisation considering diversifying its revenue?

Jacqui Shaw shares strategies for creating additional or improved revenue streams, and provides a simple six-step process to help you assess and maximise your new ideas.

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Revenue risks that may impact your organisation

Revenue risks can post a threat to the survival of your organisation.

Jacqui Shaw talks through the different types of risks to your revenue, and shares tips on preventative measures you can take to mitigate them.

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External drivers and forces impacting on costs

Out of sight doesn’t have to mean out of mind.

Much of what goes on outside of your organisation is outside of your control. Ellen Schuler provides insight into how you can identify external factors that can impact on your costs, and shares tips that can minimise their impacts.

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Billable and non-billable time

Business activities fall into two categories: billable and non-billable.

Both are needed in order to keep your organisation running smoothly and providing services, but there is always room for improvement. Ellen Schuler shares tips for identifying and increasing your billable time, and enhancing the quality of your non-billable time.

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Four tips that will improve your billing

Cashflow is important: you cannot run a future-focused organisation if you don’t know when your revenue is coming and where it is coming from.

Jane Arnott discusses some easily implemented strategies to improve your billing and cashflow – and by extension, your sustainability.

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How to develop effective and relevant metrics

How do you measure up?

Without consistent, relevant metrics, you cannot monitor your organisation’s financial performance – and you may not know about an opportunity or issue until it’s too late. Jane Arnott shares some effective strategies for implementing metrics you’ll actually use.

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Budgeting 101

Budget processes can always be improved.

In this video, Jacqui Shaw provides some insight into the types of budgets you can use, and effective budgeting processes and strategies to streamline your finance. We also discuss some common mistakes to avoid.

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Three financial ratios to make your business more resilient

If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.

In this video, Andrew Ellis shares three key financial ratios that provide insight into your longer term business resilience. Find out how you can apply them in the context of your own organisation to assess performance.

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The importance of financial documentation

What kind of documentation processes does an organisation need in order to thrive?

In this video, Jacqui Shaw shares record keeping tips and strategies that will help your organisation be compliant, informed, and efficient when it comes to your obligations and resilience.

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How to effectively acquit and report grant funds

Grants are invaluable, but they come with their fair share of paperwork.

Jacqui Shaw provides an overview of typical grant reporting and acquittal requirements, and shares some handy processes you can implement to streamline how your organisation manages grants.

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